Chicken Sausage Fried Rice

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE fried rice! The only problem is whenever I order out Chinese Food I just physically don’t feel great after eating it. So when I was craving Chinese food I decided to come up with my own version of fried rice. This recipe inspo came to me as […]

My Food Philosophy

I recently just started an online course in Culinary Nutrition and our first assignment was to develop our own food philosophies. Up until this assignment, I never really thought about it. I didn’t really think I had a food philosophy, but we all have food philosophies, even if we don’t know it. We’re constantly making […]

“Heart-Healthy” PB Granola Bars

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase an item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.** Looking for a heart-healthy snack that’s liked by the whole family this Valentine’s Day? Look no […]

8 Tips For Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is a powerful thing! Unfortunately, mindless eating is the norm. We’ve all done it … eaten something on the run without taking the time to enjoy it or even consciously realize that we are eating. Or eaten an entire tub of ice cream while sitting in front of the tv. And let’s not […]

Change Your Mind, Change Your Body

The weight is not the issue. It’s the way they think about the weight that is the issue. Fix the mindset, and the weight starts coming off.

Spinach & Kale Crust Pizza

One of the only things my almost two-year old son will eat is Spinach & Kale Bites! So… I got inspired to turn his favorite dish into a pizza, which brings me to my latest creation… Spinach & Kale Crust Pizza! This isn’t a replacement for the regular pizza we all know and love, but […]

Gingerdoodle Almond Butter Granola

I’ve been craving a good granola lately, so I decided to make my own! This Gingerdoodle Almond Butter Granola is drool-worthy 🤤It contains nutritious ingredients, like rolled oats and almonds, is SO easy to make & it also leaves your kitchen smelling AMAZING while its cooking! For this recipe, I used my absolute FAVORITE nut […]

Are Fad Diets Sabotaging Your Goals?

Are you trying to lose weight? Have you already tried different weight loss programs, including subscribing to a lot of varied diets with no success? Maybe your program and diet have some shortcomings or are restrictive in some way? You might lose weight, but you will have to deal with even worse health complications. Remember, […]

15 Tips To Stay Motivated on Your Health & Wellness Goals Throughout The Year

Losing weight doesn’t have to be a daunting task if you have the right tools to help you achieve your goals. Perhaps, one of the most important things you need to begin is eliminate all the distractions and negative vibes surrounding yourself. To successfully transform your overall health and wellness, you need to stay motivated […]

My Story: From Fad Diets to Food Freedom

For those of you that are new here, you may be wondering how I got into nutrition and fitness. When I was younger (maybe the end of elementary school) I was very overweight. I still can’t really pinpoint the moment all the weight started to pile on or the exact moment I decided to do […]