Air Fryer Spicy Cashew Scallop Tacos

I became inspired to try making scallops in the air fryer and it kind of just morphed into these tacos! These tacos are definitely spicy, but you can absolutely make them more mild.

1lb scallops
1/4 c whole wheat breadcrumbs
2 tbsp seafood seasoning, blackened (I used @frontiercoop)
2 tbsp @traderjoes spicy cashew butter dressing
1/2 c @traderjoes Thai lime and chili cashews, crushed
@josephspitabread flax pitas
Lettuce and tomato for topping

1. Lay scallops out on a large plate or cutting board. Pat them with a paper towel to absorb any moisture. If using large scallops cut them into smaller pieces.
2. In a medium sized bowl, combine the breadcrumbs and the seafood seasoning.
3. Toss the scallops in the breadcrumb mixture until all are well coated.
4. Preheat the air fryer to 390. Once heated place the scallops in the tray and spray the tops of the scallops with a little cooking spray.
5. Cook in the air fryer for about 4-5 minutes, flipping half way through (you may need to cook them in 2 batches depending on how big your air fryer is).
6. For the taco shells, take the pita bread and cut a tiny slit at the top. Then cut around the entire edge of the pita to form 2 halves of the pita. I toasted each half in a frying pan with cooking spray for about 1-2 minutes on each side.
7. Make your taco! Place the scallops in your taco shell and top with lettuce, tomato, the crushed cashews and spicy cashew butter dressing

Makes 4 servings, 2 tacos per serving.
**if you don’t like spicy feel free to swap out the Thai lime and chili cashews for regular cashews and the dressing for a less spicy one**

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