3 Steps To Feel Worthy of Love, Happiness & Success Right Now


Did that statement catch your attention?

As women, we love to say that we believe everyone deserves love, happiness and success… but do you actually, at the core of your being, believe that to be true about yourself?

Since Valentine’s Day is upon us, what better time is there to talk about loving ourselves…

We are all worthy, regardless of our size and what’s going on in our lives. On paper, we all say we are in alignment with that belief. But the fact is, many women are still skipping out on social events because they feel uncomfortable in their bodies; they are still telling themselves that they don’t deserve love because they are overweight; and they are still holding themselves back because they don’t think they deserve the same experience of joy that skinnier women have.

Here’s my advice: if you find yourself having a strong emotional reaction to the first sentence of this blog post, try these three steps to begin practicing what you preach and really feel worthy of love, happiness and success… no matter what you look like!

Step 1: What Are You Good At?
Over and over I see my female clients struggling to acknowledge themselves and be proud of their accomplishments – it always seems to be about the things they didn’t do. So, let’s turn the tables on that mentality. Sit yourself down in a quiet room. Play some nice music, or meditate for a few minutes, then write down all the things that you’re good at.

Remember, you can list anything. Maybe you’re great at folding your laundry and putting it away on time (unlike me, who still has laundry sitting in the dryer since Monday).

It’s so important that we celebrate every single little joy and success in our life. Even if it seems small, when we start being proud of every little aspect, every good thing that you do, you’ll realize the overall picture: you’re a pretty freakin’ fantastic person, even though you don’t admit it!

Step 2: Play the Mirror Game
How many times have you stood in front of the mirror and found yourself thinking negative things
about your body? Sometimes those thoughts are so subtle that we have trouble catching them when they happen.

Try this: the next time you stand in front of the mirror, pick out one thing you love about your
body and say it out loud. Maybe it would be, “Man, I love my hair. It’s the perfect color and it really
compliments the shape of my face.” You’ll find that you feel a heck of a lot better about yourself after a session like this.

Step 3: Be Ridiculous
Let’s say you tried step 2, but all you can think about is how thick your thighs are. You keep telling
yourself, “My thighs are huge. My thighs are huge” and you’re feeling pretty down. I want you to keep saying this to yourself. But now, instead of just saying it privately in your head, I want you to say it out loud in the funniest cartoon voice that you can come up with.

Try telling yourself that you hate your hips in a Donald Duck voice! You’re going to start laughing and hopefully, you’ll truly realize how ridiculous it sounds. You can also try thinking about saying those things to someone you love – you wouldn’t, right? So don’t say it to yourself (check out this Instagram reel I posted on the subject HERE).

You Are Worthy of Love, Happiness & Success NOW, not when you lose weight!

This week, I encourage you to try at least one of these three steps. And remember, Valentine’s Day should also be a celebration of self-love!

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