Your #1 Most Powerful Exercise Tool

If you had to guess, what would you imagine to be the most powerful tool in your exercise toolkit?

If you said “walking” then you’re correct! Today, April 6, is National Walking Day. So there is no better time to talk about why walking can actually be your most powerful exercise tool!

Sure, it may not be the most intense form of working out, but think about it this way: it’s free, everyone can do it, and (my favorite part) it’s super accessible – you don’t even need special shoes! If you have feet, you can walk.

Do it Anywhere
No matter where you live, there’s a way to incorporate walking. Even if it is sweltering hot during the day where you live, you can walk during the early morning hours or in the evening. You can even go to the mall and walk in the air conditioning or on a treadmill at home or in the gym.

The same goes for very cold weather. Find a gym with an indoor track, or walk in place in your house, or do a few extra laps around the grocery store. The important part is that you do it. It doesn’t matter where you do it.

Be Focused
Okay, here’s something really important: when you go walking, force yourself to put down your phone. Refrain from checking your emails or your Facebook page while you walk!
Why? There are two compelling reasons:

  1. You can fall or run into something if you don’t watch where you’re headed.
  2. You’re walking for YOU. This time is about disconnecting with the outside world and plugging into yourself.

This week, give yourself a chance to feel accomplished for getting out of the office or getting off the couch. It’s a big deal to take the extra steps for self-care, so give yourself a reason to be proud!

If you need a little more support, direction and a whole lot of accountability, schedule a FREE consultation with me to see how my 1:1 Coaching Programs can help you reach your goals!

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