How To Get Your Partner To Workout With You

Exercise is an amazing way to keep your body in shape, both mentally and physically. It brings life and energy to your daily routine; it helps manage stress; and it makes us feel stronger and like we can conquer almost anything!

Despite all the benefits of exercise, sometimes we need some encouragement and motivation to actually get moving. That’s totally normal! With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, there’s no better time to discuss one great way to drive that motivation – working out with your partner!

Health-conscious couples tend to build a healthier life together. So how do you get your partner exercise with you?

·         Talk to your partner gently and help him/her in making the decision to at least try it out with you once; then from there it might become a regular occurrence.

·         Make exercise a couples activity that you do regularly so that you can enjoy it together. This is especially great for couples who have busy schedules, giving you the time to do something together!

·         Use the gentlest encouragement whenever possible.

·         Avoid nagging or criticizing as much as you can.

·         Be patient with your partner while getting this new routine going.

·         Use the power of example when showing your partner the healthy habits.

·         Find and set goals together.

·         Celebrate the little achievements together.

·         Use positive reinforcement.

·         Try some friendly competition.

To vest interest in your partner, be a role model, inject some encouragement and be honest. Make sure the motivation is all about being strong and healthy and building new habits together; it shouldn’t be about losing weight or looking better.

The takeaway:  the most effective way of getting your significant other to workout with you is by being a real role model yourself. Start incorporating some of the above tips to add couples workouts to your schedule and make sure you checkout my latest Instagram post on Reasons Why You Should Workout With Your Significant Other!

If you’re looking to make sustainable changes to your nutrition and fitness routine and want the help and support of a coach, make sure to apply for my 1:1 coaching program or schedule a FREE call with me below to see if my program is a good fit for you! For the rest of the month, I’m running a special coaching offer for couples who sign up with me!

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