Are Fad Diets Sabotaging Your Goals?

Are you trying to lose weight? Have you already tried different weight loss programs, including subscribing to a lot of varied diets with no success? Maybe your program and diet have some shortcomings or are restrictive in some way? You might lose weight, but you will have to deal with even worse health complications. Remember, the weight loss market is now considered to be a billion-dollar industry. Some people and companies in the weight-loss business are just interested in making money, not caring about your health. This has led to a tremendous increase in fad diets.

As women and mothers, we want to be the best examples we can be for our children. We are also usually overworked and overtired. It can be extremely tempting to jump right for the quick fix! In this blog post, I’ll explain to you why the fastest method may not be the best method.

What Are Fad Diets?

These are diets that promise to offer you quick fixes, such as losing weight within a reduced period of time. The problem is, most of these diets are not meant to be long term and can even deprive you of some of the most important nutrients. Unfortunately, most people who think they desperately need a weight loss program have fallen prey to these diets. But how do you recognize a fad diet?

The Lie Behind A Fad Diet

Many individuals have ended up adopting some unhealthy strategies that promise quick weight loss results but, in the end, led to frustrations. These frustrations cause you to be hard on yourself and jump to the next fad diet. As a victim, you not only get temporary or no results at all but also waste your money and time on those tactics. One of the deceptive weight-loss strategies most people have gotten themselves into is the use of fad diets.

Characteristics of Fad diets

These diets are characterized by:

  • Claim to offer a magic weight loss strategy
  • Very convincing since they always sound too good
  • Promise quick and easy fixes to help you lose weight in a short time
  • Promote the use of certain super products or foods
  • Restricts particular food groups like fats or whole grains
  • Suggest that supplements or food can modify your Body chemistry, alkalize you or alter your PH level
  • Usually very low in calories
  • Advertised using buzz words like Fasting, Clean eating, Low Carb, Detoxification, Quick, Fat, and Body Cleansing just to mention a few
  • Offer temporary results without a proper transition plan or nutrition education
  • Biased, inadequate and lack scientific backing
  • Comes with fixed rules intended to help you lose weight

Outcomes of The Fad Diet Promises

Many people are likely to be tempted by the above promises. A lot of individuals who are attempting to lose weight have fallen into the trap of fad diets, myself included!

Disadvantages of Fad Diets

As discussed earlier on, fad diets claim to offer quick weight loss but, in turn, may deny you essential nutrients. As a result, you are likely to experience the symptoms below:

  • Inadequate mineral and vitamin intake
  • The weight will come back once you stop the diet
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Dehydration
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • The stress of not losing weight

Do Fad Diets Work?


  • Fad diets prohibit either calories or certain foods, denying you crucial macronutrients and micronutrients
  • They are just temporary diets that you follow for the time being, but are not sustainable long-term
  • They don’t take YOU as an individual person into consideration; when you are being given an already done-for-you blueprint, the plan is not allowing you to be a part of the decision-making process of your own health
  • They usually solely focus on weight loss and not your overall health
  • Once you stop the diet the weight tends to pile back on quickly


When it comes to selecting a weight loss program, you need to be very careful. Let’s stop cycling through different fad diets and better our overall health and wellness by finding a method that is sustainable and distinctive for YOUR body. If you’re on a diet and find yourself saying “I can’t wait until this month is over so I can eat a slice of pizza, fruit, bread, etc. again” then it’s not sustainable and it won’t last.

A good weight loss plan should focus on giving you a quality balanced diet, strength, and building healthy habits that will last. If we want to make lasting change we need to not get wrapped up in the fad diet bubble. This involves understanding our own bodies goals and needs, developing better relationships with food and focusing less on weight loss and more on improving overall health and understanding of nutritional behaviors.

If you are ready to leave those fad diets behind and make some real, sustainable changes you can apply for my 1:1 Coaching HERE or schedule a 15 minute discovery call with me below!

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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